Village of Riverhurst
Our Community
Discover what Riverhurst has to offer
Discover what Riverhurst has to offer
Our Village of 152 residents boasts Campgrounds, Museum, Library, Pub, Food Services and Hotel, Grocery, Gas Station, Riverhurst Community Church, Boutique, Marine and Small Engine Repair Center, GIft/Coffee Shoppe, and Playground. At Lake Diefenbaker (within 10 minutes drive) find pristine sandy beaches, picturesque Marina, and the awesome 9-hole Sage View Golf Course.
Alert Messaging System
Alert Messaging System
The municipal alert system is a communication tool that provides important municipal information. To stay updated on alerts, complete the attached form.
The municipal alert system is a communication tool that provides important municipal information. To stay updated on alerts, complete the attached form.
Tree Policy
Tree Policy
Trees play a significant role within the Village and in the enviornment.
Please be aware of the new Tree Policy before removing any trees. The policy can also be found under Bylaws and Urban Forestry
Please be aware of the new Tree Policy before removing any trees. The policy can also be found under Bylaws and Urban Forestry
Did you know?
Peanuts are very common in bird seed. Please when feeding the birds, do so with peanut free bird seed.
Did you know?
Peanuts are very common in bird seed. Please when feeding the birds, do so with peanut free bird seed.
Peanuts are very common in bird seed. Please when feeding the birds, do so with peanut free bird seed.
Peanut - Free Zone
Peanut - Free Zone
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Village of Riverhurst
324 Teck Street
PO Box 116, Riverhurst, SK S0H 3P0
(306) 353-2220